Network Security
Essential 8
Is Your Business Safe From Cyber Attacks?
Businesses are becoming more and more of a target for malicious attacks and cyber criminals.
That's why Network security has become a crucial element of running your business. With the introduction of mandatory data breach notification laws & legal/legislation requirements, businesses need to promote to their clients that cyber security best practices are in place in their environment and the data clients provide them is safe and secure.
Computer Services Group provides a comprehensive network security & cyber security service which incorporates the Essential 8 strategies.
The team will review your current environment and get to know your business. Assessment is conducted by the team against any required legislations, regulations or cyber security standards required for your industry or business size.
Current security risks are identified and assessed on severity and likelyhood.
For peace of mind, our team provides you with the findings, risks identified and a tailored strategy to boost your security to meet your demands. Our team will provide solutions on products to detect, notify and mitigate security risks along with industry best practice security policies and procedures.
We also provide security awareness training for your team to ensure they can identify & mitigate non-cyber social engineering attacks.
What is the Essential 8?
The Essential Eight is a series of baseline mitigation strategies taken from the Strategies to Mitigate Cyber Security Incidents recommended for organisations.
Implementing these strategies as a minimum makes it much harder for adversaries to compromise systems.

So don’t wait until an issue occurs, be proactive and get protected. Contact us now and let’s get your business secure.